eConsortium Partnership Application |  Induction Process

Digital Enterprise Set-up and Value Chain Creation

The eConsortium Partnership

The eConsortium @ Qcircle is a strategically built platform for shared value pursuits and ecommerce exchanges.
As a trusted eConsortium Ecosystem, it requires prequalification to partake in its system for growth. Participation is by subscription to a Consortium Plan. The Plan awards privileges and financial rewards.

eCommerce Consortium Plan | Marketplaces

Participation at Qcircle is by subscription of a eConsortiun Plan. The Plan allocates privileges, awards and rewards. All eConsortium Partners are digitally connected by a series of Specialty Brands. They create their own ecommerce enabled value chain with a chosen financial reward plan. Submit application here.


Application and Processes

Directed induction processes by Knowledge competency and interest. Self-help or aided development. Sign up as a Qualified Client User  to get started.

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ePartnering | Aided Development and Application

Set-up eCommerce Enterprise – banded to your competency and business interest