eConsortium Partnership Application

eConsortium Awards and Rewards

The eConsortium Partnership

Qcircle is an e-commerce enabled Consortium for cooperative learning and doing business worldwide. It features a uniquely built eConsortium Ecosystem for today’s digital economy. As a trusted platform, participation is by a prequalification processs and subscription of a Consortium Plan.

Expression of Interest | Application and Subscription of aConsortium Plan

Application Process and eConsortium Incorporated Features

1. Select a Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates privileges and financial rewards. All participants are digitally connected to Qcircle and a Knowledge Domain to advance their competencies.

Select a Consortium Plan

Choice Consortium Plan

2. Find Choice Knowledge Domain. Ready Business and marketplace. Apply to create a Digital Value Chain at the eConsortium based on your competency. Please read pre-qualification details before application

Explore eConsortium opportunities worldwide

Knowledge domains and service channels

Strategic Partnership by Specialisation
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