Join the eConsortium
Becoming eConsortium Partner
The eConsortium Partnership
Qcircle is an e-commerce enabled Consortium for cooperative learning and doing businessP worldwide. It features a partnering Education + Business Development Paradigm with a uniquely built eConsortium Ecosystem for today’s digital economy. As a trusted platform, participation is by a pre-qualification process and subscription of a Consortium Plan.
Invitation to the Digital Consortium
The Digital World Consortium
Qcircle is a digital platform of BPI International Group of Companies, Established in 1985, BPII Group is now into a new frontier of growth in today’s digital economy. We are ready for global participation an development in digital growth together @ Qcircle
The Consortium Plan
We welcome all participants – students, graduates, educators, entrepreneurs, business and professional service providers / owners – to join us in the development of a unique eCommerce Consortium for purposeful learning and knowledge sharing. We have formulated a set of value Consortium Plan and a Global Education and Business ( “E + B” ) Innovators Portal @ Qcircle to meet your growth endeavour. Here, you can learn to innovate and create your own job, profession or business to suit your aspiration or lifestyle needs wherever your are located.
Distinctively, we provide you a strategic development process to align your competencies, products and services into one global platform for mutual support and doing business worldwide. It’s an integration gateway for you to be part of the eConsortium for growth with our internationally recognised knowledge portals and service brands.
All successful applicants will be digitally connected to a specialty domain brand as a value chain in the eConsortium to advance their competencies and businesses.
The eCommerce Consortium
Qcircle is uniquely a ecommerce enabled consortium for purposeful innovation, new enterprise development and sustainable growth in the digital economy. The eConsortium is for virtual exchanges among networked participants and a platform for all educational, business and professional pursuits. We support participants in the research & regeneration of ideas for practical application and implementation of them.
We foster cooperative learning and business development among all our stakeholders with a built eConsortium Ecosystem @ Qcircle. Here, members can enhance each other performances in today’s digital world. We provide self-help initiatives and collaborative privileges. You can actualise them with good financial returns for work done and / or achieve your life mission purposefully.
Under the aegis of our eConsortium Ecosystem, Qcircle is now open for participation with a choice of a Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates privileges, award and finincial reward. You can join us as a Starters Member / Qualified Client User or directly as an Affiliate or Associate and advance to be a Corporate Host at your own pace and place.
Strategic Partners and Investment Clienteles are also welcome to forge cooperative alliances and mutually beneficially pursuits at our open eConsortium.
The eConsortium Partnership
Investors Owners | Solution Developers | Service Providers | Solution Learners | Users Clienteles in one unique Partner Ecosystem for growth together.
Sign in to register a value addon Consortium Plan to your business and be in the Consortium for action wherever you are
Partnering Proposal Form
Investors – ePartners | Business Collaboration Proposal| Service Provider – Client / Mentor – Mentee Application
To apply provision of services with all essential details. Please fill in the below form :
eConsortium Prospects and Application Process
Qcircle | The eConsortium
For all who are desirous to be part of Qcircle and its growth process. Unique value addon Consortium Plan offer :
- Establish a new job, career or business
- Enhance your competencies or existing businesses
Partner Us
eConsortium Integration Process
ePartnership by Specialisation
Domain Knowledge Partnership Proposal Form
Enterprise Brand Affiliation Form
Members Partners | Please fill in the below form to request for a domain brand for affiliation :
1. Choose a brand category and proposed a preferred domain brand for affiliation. (Please refer to “Brand” for choice selection )
2. For submission by applicant with a preferred Qcircle Mentor, the Referral Code is the Mentor’s membership numbers. For direct application please enter 001122. A Qcircle Consultant will be allocated to you to guide your progression.