International Entrepreneurial Innovation


Enter Qcircle’s eLITE environment
Co-learning, innovation and working spaces are now avialable in our Host’s location in Australia and Singapore. Inter-disciplinary business development. Select your choice to participate.


Learn to Innovate. Be transformed here.

eLITE Qcircle

Q : What is eLITE Qcircle Program?
A : Transformational Change for growth in the new economies and marketplaces

The Program

For who ? : All who are keen to know more about new opportunities in the era of the digital world.
Program : Online program by interest group interaction. Staged induction to Qcircle eConsortium and its Ecosystem for a shared value growth.
Enrolment : On enrolment, all participants will be given a  one year EIM Starters Plan and staged eConsortium Financial Plan Award to advance themselves

Choice program.

    • Subscribe a staged program to suit your interest and life style choice.
    • Select an internationally recognised specialty domain based on your specialisation interest.
    • Build your financial reward with a choice Consortium Plan.

Innovation Plan :

The Mentor-Mentee Partners Alliance is a cooperative learning initiative. The service is provided by Qcircle Certifed Professionals / Mentors to assist fellow members to upgrade themselves and be part of Qcircle for career advancement or business enhancement.

Opportunities and Privileges :

Learn and Earn at the same time.

The program offers members the opportunity to be inducted for service on subscription to a higher Associate or Corporate Plan. The Plan allocates Privileges and Reward. Participants have a choice of three induction programs to suit their development pursuit.

Guided development. Select your choice of participation

eLITE Online

Digital Innovation Proposal | Mentor – Mentee Alliance .

Strategic development | Integration of participants’ competencies into the eConsortium for eService.

Development of Growth Project File for Qcircle Award

Eligible for subscription to an appropriate category of Consortium Privilege Plan.

Outcome :  Activation of Members Partners Page with Qcircle Product and Service lines

eLITE Interns

Location based Learn and Earn Internship –  Mentor-Mentee Alliance

Strategic positioning of job and business for new growth | Setting pathway opportunities in digitalised marketplaces.

Development of Growth Project File for Qcircle Award

Eligible for subscription to an appropriate category of Consortiun Privilege  Plan.

Outcome :  Activation of ePartners Page | Qcircle Product and Service lines

Program Format and Agenda

Program Plan may vary to meet local requirements of participants