For Job Seekers and Business Prospectors
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Work anytime and anywhere. Full-time or part-time. Flexible or parallel career and business option for all.
For Investors | Clienteles
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Clienteles, Solution Developers | Providers
Select your development needs.
- eCommerce Exchanges, ePartnership | Qcircle
- New Education and Business Development | BPII Academy
- Cyberspace Strategists, Developers and Solutions | Singland SGM
- Specialty Businesses and Professional Practices| Chartered Network
- Montessori Education and Montessorian Fraternity | Montessorian World
- Lifestyle, Social or Business. eBizCreation for all | Internet Clubs
Knowledge | Specialisation. Post Service Request or Consult.
For Learner | Job and Business Seekers
Find Development opportunities | ePortfolio set-up
Enterprise | Join the team. Immediate ePortfolio set-up plan on completion.
- Participate as a Qualified Client User or an Affiliate | Advance at your own pace
- Select a knowledge domain to develop your potential and core interest and a digital value chain at teh eConsortium
- Advance to be a Specialty Education | Business | Professional Service Provider or Host at your own pace and place
- Develop your Project Team | Create your job | business portfolio
Apply/Subscribe an appropriate eConsortium Plan. Choose your specialty interest to advance.
Job Service Request and Application
Job Seekers and Business Prospectors submit your area of competencies and interest here
Job and Business Service Request | Submission Form
Job and Business Application
Submit your job | role interest and proposal based on your competency. You will be directed to the next course of action.