Integrated Knowledge Nodes and Service Channels.

A venue for Education + Business Innovation and Development. Self-help or find a fellow eConsortium Partner to aid your development.  All enrolled modules are accredited for an appropriate eConsortium Plan Award.  


Provider | Developer of New Education and Businesses

Flagship Programs : International Entrepreneurial Innovation

Education and Business Practicum | Internship


Digital Technologists. Provider of IT Solutions

Infocomm and AI Technologies

Find IT Solutions and Application Programs


Cyberspace Builder and Provider of SGM Solutions

Cyberspace Building with Strategic Global Media

Find SGM Solutions


Provider of Professional and Specialist Services

Flagship Globalisation Program : for Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Find Global Network of Professionals | Joint Venture and Management


Provider of Professional and Specialist Services

Flagship Chartered Program : for Interns and Professionals

Find Professional Practices | Service Providers


Provider of Lifestyle | Social | Business Exchanges

Flagship Programe | Lifestyle, Social or Business eBizcreation for all internet users

Find and Share Needs and Exchanges | eConvenience


Developer | Provider of Montessorian Education

Copyrighted Becoming Montessorian | Certified Montessorian Professional | Educator program

Find Montessorian Wolrd Education and Fellowship


Montessori Teachers and Children Education

Flagship Programs | Teachers and Children Development Creation Child Learning Paradise

Find Montessori Studies Around the World


Societal Service Channels

Create new job, profession and career

JobCreation is a societal service channel at Qcircle Portal. It has an interactive portal that provides job development and advisory services to participants. Directed Digital Induction to eConsortium. Mentoring Plans are available separately to aid members in their growth process.

Job Advisors and Career Coaches | JobCreation

Mentor-Mentee Alliance

Create new business and marketplace

BizCreation is a societal service channel at Qcircle Portal. It has an interactive portal that provides business development and advisory services to participants. Directed Digital Induction to eConsortium. Mentoring Plans are available separately to aid members in their growth process.

Business Advisors and Career Coaches | JobCreation Portal

Qcircle eConsortium Ecosytem

Digital Enterprises with eConsortium Plan

The integrated Education plus Business Consortium